Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Quantum Magnets and Quantum Materials

Institute of Physics, CAS

Our research focuses on characterizing and manipulating quantum materials at the atomic scale, using a versatile quantum sensing tool combining two imaging methods: electron spin resonance (ESR) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The ESR-STM provides a unique access to the quantum materials with energy resolution beyond the thermal limit and with atomic-scale spatial resolution. Our goal is to harness these quantum properties for quantum sensing and quantum information processing.

Electron Spin Resonance with Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Performing electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in STM has two outstanding advantages over the conventional STM spectroscopy. First, the energy resolution of the ESR-STM technique is ~1,000 times better than that of the conventional STM spectroscopy (for example, inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy) which is intrinsically thermally limited. Second, the ESR-STM gives access to the phase information of the quantum states and allows the coherent control of the quantum states by generating quantum superpositions and entanglement with exquisite precision.

The ability to drive ESR of individual atoms using STM provided a major step forward in sensing and manipulating magnetism at the atomic scale. The atomic-scale spatial resolution and the ultrahigh energy resolution of ESR-STM has allowed the measurement of the magnetic dipolar interaction between two atoms placed a few nanometers apart on a surface, the detection of hyperfine interaction between electronic and nuclear spins of individual atoms, as well as the exploration of quantum fluctuations in designed spin arrays having tailored geometries. By implementing pulsed ESR, coherent spin manipulation of magnetic atoms and engineered atomic dimers on surfaces have been achieved by demonstrating Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes and spin echoes, opening the door to a powerful suite of pulsed techniques that can extend single-atom sensing capabilities. Coherent control of spins arranged with atomic precision provides a solid-state platform for quantum simulation of many-body systems.


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